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to solve a knot
Avaroid sees itself as a humanistic institution. The phrygian cap is not only a symbol of connectedness to the explorers of avarites, but also as a sign for the directors idea of freedom. The Institute undertakes applied research related to improving the quality of life and wants to inform about the risks posed by avarites for the individual and society.
Avaroid is it convinced that the society has finally to take the same responsibility for parasitically-controlled greed as a matter of course as it does in the case of other diseases. The broken leg is treated in hospital, why not also the broken attitude towards each other?
As long as this gap exists in the health system, Avaroid tries to fill it by providing public training and private research. The declared aim of Avaroid is to curb the parasitically-controlled greed, so that a fundamental correction of the attitude error in the backbone of society is possible. This society engagement is meant to solve the bracing caused by extremely unequal distribution of wealth among the population.
prevent exclusion
Property obliges. Where private property becomes a heavy load and people begin to move away from society because suffering the despair of luxury, Avaroid comes in. Exclusion due to financial strain is not uncommon. Yacht clubs, golf courses, opera houses or galleries are used to smooth this immense burden. Everyday exclusivity midst of a society that strives for inclusion. Avaroid will develop models to offer those affected a perspective and to overcome the desire for exclusivity in the whole society.

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